As the begin of the symposium approaches, we share with you more details about the program of the “Primer Simposio Internacional Gruppo Bioimpianti in South America”
A meeting with a very complete scientific program in which we will be able to share knowledge also about the latest techniques and products dedicated to hip prosthesis
βοΈ Anterior approach
βοΈ Dual Mobility
βοΈ Shortened stems
βοΈ Cup and stems revisions
We continue working to offer a high-level scientific program with the best speakers at international level and to provide practical training
Remember to mark your agenda :
Hospital Universitario Austral
27-28 March 2025
La sezione Professionisti Γ¨ destinata solamente ai professionisti del settore medico o operatori sanitari.
Effettua l’accesso per accedere al contenuto richiesto.
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